VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)

Editorial Board


Mazilov Evgenii A.

Academic degree
Candidate of Sciences (Economics)
Academic rank
Full institution’s name – place of work
Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science “Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences“ (VolRC RAS)
Current position
Deputy Director for the Development and Implementation of VolRC RAS Promising Projects, Dierector of the detached unit – Northwestern Dairy Farming and Grassland Management Research Institute
Phone/Fax: 8 (8172) 59-78-24
E-mail: eamazilov@mail.ru
Postal address: 56A, Gorky Street, Vologda, 160014, Russian Federation

Executive Secretary

Tuvaev Artem V.

Academic degree
Candidate of Sciences (Economics)
Academic rank
Full institution’s name – place of work
Northwestern Research Institute for Dairy and Grassland Farming – a separate subdivision of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science «Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences»
Current position
Scientific secretary
Phone/Fax: (8172) 59-78-48
E-mail: sznii_uch@mail.ru
Postal address: 14, Lenin Street, Molochnoe, Vologda, Vologda Oblast, 160555, Russia

Editorial Staff Members

Abramova Natalia I.

Academic degree
Candidate of Sciences (Agriculture)
Academic rank
Full institution’s name – place of work
Northwestern Research Institute for Dairy and Grassland Farming – a separate subdivision of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science «Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences»
Current position
Leading researcher of the Department of breeding farm animals
Phone/Fax: (8172) 59-78-07
E-mail: natali.abramova.53@mail.ru
Postal address: 14, Lenin Street, Molochnoe, Vologda, Vologda Region, 160555

Biryukov Alexander L.

Academic degree
Candidate of Sciences (Engeneering)
Academic rank
Associate Professor
Full institution’s name – place of work
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Vologda State Dairy Farming Academy by N.V. Vereshchagin”
Current position
Head of the Department of energy resources and technical services
E-mail: biryukov_alex@mail.ru
Postal address: 8, Mira Street, Molochnoe, Vologda, Vologda Region, 160555

Buryakov Nikolay P.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Biology)
Academic rank
Full institution’s name – place of work
Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Russian state agrarian university – Moscow state agricultural academy named after K. A. Timiryazev»
Current position
Head of the department of animal feeding
E-mail: kormlenieskota@gmail.com
Postal address: 49 Timiryazevskaya str., Moscow, 127550

Vakhrusheva Vera V.

Academic degree
Candidate of Sciences (Agriculture)
Academic rank
Full institution’s name – place of work
Vologda Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences
Current position
Head of the Department
Phone/Fax: (8172) 59-78-27
E-mail: vvesnina@mail.ru
Postal address: 14, Lenin Street, Molochnoe, Vologda, Vologda Region, 160555

Gavrilov Gavriil B.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Engineering)
Academic rank
Full institution’s name – place of work
Yaroslavl State Institute of Quality of Raw Materials and Food Products
Current position
Phone/Fax: (4852) 44-59-34, 47-86-86
E-mail: ggb51@mail.ru
Postal address: 76A, Moscow Ave., Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl Region, 150030

Gureev Ivan I.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Engineering)
Academic rank
Full institution’s name – place of work
Federal state budgetary scientific institution "Kursk Federal agricultural scientific center"
Current position
Head of laboratoryof adaptive agricultural technologies and means of their mechanization
Phone/Fax: (4712) 53-11-52
E-mail: gureev06@mail.ru
Postal address: 305021, Kursk, ul. Karl Marx, 70 b

Gysarov Igor

Academic degree
Candidate of Sciences (Biology)
Academic rank
Full institution’s name – place of work
Northwestern Research Institute for Dairy and Grassland Farming – a separate subdivision of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science «Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences»
Current position
Head of the Department of Feed and Feeding of Farm Animals
Phone/Fax: (8172) 59-78-46
E-mail: i-gusarov@yandex.ru
Postal address: 14, Lenin Street, Molochnoe, Vologda, Vologda Region, 160555

Deriglazova Galina M.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Agriculture)
Academic rank
Full institution’s name – place of work
Federal state budgetary scientific institution "Kursk Federal agricultural scientific center»
Current position
Leading researcher of the laboratory of agrochemistry and GIS
Phone/Fax: (4712) 53-45-80
E-mail: g_deriglazova@mail.ru
Postal address: 305021, Kursk, ul. Karl Marx, 70 b

Yegiazaryan Artur V.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Agriculture)
Academic rank
Full institution’s name – place of work
Association for the improvement of black-and-white and ayrshire cattle "ASCHAR»
Current position
General Director
E-mail: arturegiazaryan@yandex.ru, info@achar.ru
Postal address: 196601, Saint Petersburg, POS.Tyarlevo, Moskovskoe shosse, 55A

Karpenko Larisa Y.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Biology)
Academic rank
Full institution’s name – place of work
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Saint-Petersburg State University of Veterinary medicine"
Current position
Head of the Department of Biochemistry and Physiology
E-mail: l.u.karpenko@mail.ru
Postal address: 196084, Saint-Petersburg, Chernigovskaya st., 5

Kerimov Mukhtar A.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Engineering)
Academic rank
Full institution’s name – place of work
Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Saint Petersburg state agrarian University"
Current position
Professor of the department of technical systems in agribusiness
E-mail: martan-rs@yandex.ru, makerimov1@yandex.ru
Postal address: 196601, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Pushkin, Peterburgskoe shosse, d. 2

Konovalov Aleksandr V.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Agriculture)
Academic rank
Associate Professor
Full institution’s name – place of work
Yaroslavl Research Institute of Livestock and Fodder Production - a branch of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "Federal Scientific Research Center for Forage Production and Agroecology named after V.R. Williams"
Current position
Phone/Fax: 8(4852) 43-75-67
E-mail: yaniizhk@yandex.ru
Postal address: 1, Lenin Street, Mikhailovsky settlement, Yaroslavl District, Yaroslavl Region, 150517

Maklakhov Aleksei V.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Economics)
Academic rank
Full institution’s name – place of work
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Vologda State University”
Current position
Advisor to the Rector
Phone/Fax: (8172) 72-10-23
E-mail: leon1906@yandex.ru
Postal address: 2, Maltsev Street, Vologda, Vologda Region, 160000

Malkov Nicolai G.

Academic degree
Candidate of Sciences (Engeneering)
Academic rank
Associate Professor
Full institution’s name – place of work
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Vologda State Dairy Farming Academy by N.V. Vereshchagin”
Current position
Phone/Fax: (8172) 52-57-30
E-mail: academy@molochnoe.ru
Postal address: 8, Mira Street, Molochnoe, Vologda, Vologda Region, 160555

Naliukhin Alexey N.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Agriculture)
Academic rank
Full institution’s name – place of work
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education RGAU-MSHA named after K.A. Timiryazev
Current position
Head of the Department of Agronomic, Biological Chemistry and Radiology
E-mail: naliuhin@yandex.ru
Postal address: 127434, Moscow, ul. Timiryazevskaya, 49

Nikitin Leonid A.

Academic degree
Candidate of Sciences (Engeneering)
Academic rank
Associate Professor
Full institution’s name – place of work
Budget institution of the agro-industrial complex of the Vologda region " Vologda information and consulting center of the agro-industrial complex"
Current position
Chief specialist of the land reclamation Department
E-mail: nikitin.l.2010@mail.ru
Postal address: 2, Chekhov Street, Vologda, Vologda Region, 160009

Novikov Mikhail A.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Engineering)
Academic rank
Full institution’s name – place of work
Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Saint Petersburg state agrarian University"
Current position
Professor of the department of technical systems in agribusiness
E-mail: mihanov25@rambler.ru
Postal address: 196601, Saint Petersburg, Pushkin, Peterburgskoe shosse, d. 2

Novikova Tatyana V.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Veterinary)
Academic rank
Full institution’s name – place of work
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Vologda State Dairy Farming Academy by N.V. Vereshchagin”
Current position
Dean of the Faculty of veterinary medicine and biotechnology
Phone/Fax: (8172) 52-50-97
E-mail: metodistvf@vf.molochnoe.ru
Postal address: 160555, Vologda region, Vologda, Molochnoe, Pankratova str., 14a

Norov Andrey M.

Academic degree
Candidate of Sciences (Engeneering)
Academic rank
Full institution’s name – place of work
Research Institute for Fertilizers and Insectofungicides Named after Professor Ya.V. Samoilov
Current position
Director of industrial technology
E-mail: info@niuif.ru
Postal address: 75, Severnoye shosse, Cherepovets, Vologda Region, 162622

Ostapenko Vladimir A.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Biology)
Academic rank
Full institution’s name – place of work
Moscow veterinary academy by K. Skryabin
Current position
Head of department of zoology, ecology and protection of nature
E-mail: v-ostapenko@list.ru, v.a.ostapenko@gmail.com
Postal address: 109472, 23 Akademika Skryabina str., Moscow

Plemiashov Kirill V.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Veterinary)
Academic rank
Corresponding Member of the RAS
Full institution’s name – place of work
Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Saint Petersburg state University of veterinary medicine»
Current position
Phone/Fax: 8 (812) 451-76-63
E-mail: Kirill060674@mail.ru
Postal address: 5, Chernihiv str., Saint Petersburg, 196601

Privalov Fyodor I.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Agriculture)
Academic rank
NASB Academician, Professor
Full institution’s name – place of work
State Institution "Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus"
Current position
E-mail: privalov_f@tut.by
Postal address: Republic of Belarus, 220012, Minsk, Surganova str., 2B

Ruleva Olga V.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Agriculture)
Academic rank
Associate Professor
Full institution’s name – place of work
All-Russian Research Institute of Irrigated Agriculture
Current position
Leading Researcher of the Irrigation Reclamation Department
E-mail: OV_Ruleva@vniioz.ru
Postal address: 400002, Volgograd, ul. Timiryazeva, 9

Simonov Gennadiy A.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Agriculture)
Academic rank
Full institution’s name – place of work
Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science “Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences“ (VolRC RAS)
Current position
Chief Researcher
E-mail: sznii@list.ru
Postal address: 14, Lenin Street, Molochnoe, Vologda, Vologda Region, 160555

Smelik Viktor A.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Engineering)
Academic rank
Full institution’s name – place of work
Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Saint Petersburg state agrarian University"
Current position
Head of the Department of technical systems in agribusiness
E-mail: smelik_va@mail.ru
Postal address: 196601, Saint Petersburg, Pushkin, Peterburgskoe shosse, d. 2

Urban Eroma P.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Agriculture)
Academic rank
Full institution’s name – place of work
Republican Unitary Enterprise "Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Agriculture"
Current position
First Deputy Director General for Scientific Work
E-mail: npz@izis.by
Postal address: Republic of Belarus, 222160, Zhodino, Timiryazev str., 1.

Khaitov Akhmadjan K.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Agriculture)
Academic rank
Full institution’s name – place of work
Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Saint Petersburg state agrarian University"
Current position
Professor of large animal husbandry
E-mail: Khaitov47@mail.ru
Postal address: 196601, Saint Petersburg, Pushkin, Peterburgskoe shosse, d. 2

Chukhina Olga V.

Academic degree
Candidate of Sciences (Agriculture)
Academic rank
Associate Professor
Full institution’s name – place of work
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Vologda State Dairy Farming Academy by N.V. Vereshchagin”
Current position
Dean of the Faculty of agronomy and forestry
E-mail: dekanagro@molochnoe.ru
Postal address: 4, Komsomolskaya Street, Molochnoe, Vologda, Vologda Region, 160555

Chuyan Nataliya A.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Agriculture)
Academic rank
Full institution’s name – place of work
Federal state budgetary scientific institution "Kursk Federal agricultural scientific center"
Current position
Leading researcher of the laboratory of agricultural soil science
Phone/Fax: (4712) 53-15-43
E-mail: chujn@r46.ru
Postal address: 305021, Kursk, ul. Karl Marx, 70 b

Shiryaev Valery V.

Academic degree
Doctor of Sciences (Biology)
Academic rank
Full institution’s name – place of work
Federal state budgetary scientific institution " All-Russian research Institute of hunting and animal husbandry named after professor B. M. Zhitkov»
Current position
Leading researcher of the Department of animal ecology
E-mail: shiryaev49@mail.ru
Postal address: 610020, Kirov, Preobrazhenskaya str., 79

Shikhova Tatyana G.

Academic degree
Candidate of Sciences (Biology)
Academic rank
Full institution’s name – place of work
Federal state budgetary scientific institution " All-Russian research Institute of hunting and animal husbandry named after professor B. M. Zhitkov»
Current position
Senior researcher of the Department of animal ecology
E-mail: biota.vniioz@mail.ru
Postal address: 610020, Kirov, Preobrazhenskaya str., 79