Genotype Influence on Longevity and Productive Life of Cows
Smirnova Yulia, Platonov Andrei V.
Genetic and Population Characteristics of Russian Trotting Horse Breed by DNA Microsatellite Loci
Gavrilicheva Irina S.
Genetic Potential of Seed Bulls of the Domestic Dairy Breeds of the Vologda Oblast
Abramova Natalia I., Vlasova Galina S., Bogoradova Lyudmila N., Khromova Olga L.
Holstein Seed Bulls’ Breeding Potential and Their Daughters’ Productivity Point Estimation
Bogdanova Tatyana V., Bukarov Nurmagomed G., Ulimbashev Murat B.
Agrotechnical Methods of Formation of Legume-Grass Agrophytocenoses with Festulolium Inclusion
Konovalova Nadezhda Y., Konovalova Svetlana S.
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