The author of the paper attempts to substantiate scientifi cally the hypothesis, according to whichthe subjects of the European North of Russia (especially the Vologda Oblast) have a signifi cantpotential for agricultural production, in particular dairy cattle breeding, the implementationof which is strategically important in the current political and economic conditions in order toprovide the population of the Arctic zone with food. The analysis of agriculture of the subjectsof the European North, as well as the Arctic zone of Russia, has proved that due to the diffi cultclimatic conditions, the underdeveloped nature of agricultural production, the low level of itsstate support, the lack of stable ties with the areas of food production imported into the Arcticregions, as well as the focal nature of resettlement and seasonal food delivery to the deep regionsof the Arctic, the problem of providing the population with food is now acute. The purpose ofthis article is to study the potential of dairy cattle breeding in the Vologda oblast in the contextof determining the possibility of providing the population of the Arctic zone of Russia withfood. The author substantiates that one of the ways to solve the problem under considerationis to increase the volume of agricultural production in the nearby territory – the territory ofthe European North. The Vologda Oblast, which is the most southern territory of the EuropeanNorth with a developed transport network (automobile, railway, aviation, water), producingabout 50% of the total volume of agricultural products of the region and having a signifi cantresource agricultural potential, should play a priority role. The analysis of the potential ofanimal husbandry, in particular dairy cattle breeding, in the Vologda Oblast for 1990–2016has shown that the region as a whole has signifi cant potential and reserves for the developmentof dairy cattle breeding, the implementation of which can not only increase the productionof milk and dairy products in the region, but also provide the population of the Arctic withfood. However, this requires the development of a set of measures and tools to enhance theexisting capacity, as well as signifi cant transformation of the agrarian policy of the state, whichwill be refl ected in further research on this issue. The author used general scientifi c researchmethods (abstract-logical, system approaches, generalization method, economic-statistical,monographic, sociological, etc.), statistical methods (grouping, sampling, comparison andgeneralization), as well as graphical and tabular methods of data visualization
dairy cattle breeding, arctic, food, potential, supply