VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)

Journal section "Fodder production, feeding of farm animals, and fodder technology"

Glucose Content in the Blood of Highly Productive Cattle by Lactation Periods and Housing Methods as a Criterion for Assessing Energy Metabolism

Korel’skaya L., Gysarov I., Obryaeva O., Kolomiets S.А.

Volume 5, Issue 2, 2022

Korel’skaya L.A., Gusarov I.V., Obryaeva O.D., Kolomiets S.A. Glucose Content in the Blood of Highly Productive Cattle by Lactation Periods and Housing Methods as a Criterion for Assessing Energy Metabolism. Agricultural and Livestock Technology, 5 (2). DOI: 10.15838/alt.2022.5.2.3 URL: http://azt-journal.ru/article/29273?_lang=en

DOI: 10.15838/alt.2022.5.2.3

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
Within the framework of the research topic no. FMGZ-2022-0003, we have studied the biochemical blood composition of highly productive lactating and dry cattle on tie-up and yarn housing. We have carried out scientific and economic experimentation on the basis of the agricultural enterprise Stud-collective farm “Aurora” of Gryazovetsky District of the Vologda Oblast. The research site includes livestock breeding complex for tie-up housing cattle with milking in a milk pipeline, livestock breeding complex for yarn housing cattle with milking in a milking parlor, and livestock breeding complex for yarn housing cattle with robotic milking. The purpose of the research is to study the biochemical blood values of highly productive cows in different periods of the physiological cycle with different housing methods. In the course of the work, we have established reference glucose values in the blood of highly productive cows with different housing methods, from 36.91 mg% at the lactation height on tie-up housing to 53.80 mg% in the dry period on yarn housing with robotic milking. Analysis of the biochemical research results suggests that when compiling diets, it is insufficient to use only calculated feeding rates of highly productive animals; it is advisable to take into account the data of laboratory analyses of feed taking into account the level of biochemical blood values of cattle. The obtained data of biochemical blood analysis of cattle according to different types of housing methods and lactation periods are of practical importance for the preparation and adjustment of diets that ensure physiological needs of animals in different lactation phases and during deadwood, prevention of metabolic disorders and health of highly productive cattle, assessment of their metabolic status, and carrying out therapeutic and preventive measures. Regularly using biochemical blood tests, specialists can react in time at the early stages of the adverse effect of a factor and take measures to eliminate it


cattle, blood, energy metabolism, Blood, biochemical analysis, glucose