VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)

Journal section "Fodder production, feeding of farm animals, and fodder technology"

Some Feed Factors Influencing the Increase in Economic Efficiency in Dairy Farming

Esaulova L., Kudinova N.

Volume 7, Issue 1, 2024

Esaulova L.A., Kudinova N.A. (2024). Some Feed Factors Influencing the Increase in Economic Efficiency in Dairy Farming. Agricultural and Livestock Technology, 7 (1). DOI: 10.15838/alt.2024.7.1.1 URL: http://azt-journal.ru/article/29884?_lang=en

DOI: 10.15838/alt.2024.7.1.1

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The aim of the work is to consider options for achieving economic efficiency in dairy farming through relevant feed solutions using the example of high-tech enterprises. Whole milk is an excellent feed that provides a good increase in live weight of calves, but at the same time it is the most expensive feed, and it is much more profitable to sell it to a dairy plant. It was possible to limit the amount of whole milk fed to calves due to a differentiated approach to the amount of milk fed; milk enrichment with a Booster Milk mixture; the use of high-quality starter compound feeds in granular form instead of loose ones. Until recently, the BCS fatness index was set at 3.75 points on the farm when starting a cow. Currently, the index has been reduced to 3.25 points, while the weight of the eaten feed has increased to 48 kg against 46 kg per head per day, and the consumption of dry matter has increased to 24 kg against 23.25 kg per head per day. The percentage of residues on the feed table decreased to 4% versus 7%. The milk yield from 1 kg of dry matter has increased. At the same time, the cost savings of feed per 1 kg of milk amounted to 0.61 kg. Also, until recently, at EkoNiva enterprises, the amount of sugar was not among the balanced and controlled indicators, the sugar content in the diet was 4% of the dry matter. Currently, molasses is used as an additional source of sugar in an amount of up to 7% of the total diet, which helps to increase milk productivity and reduce feed costs per unit of production. In the diets of cows, the most expensive ingredient is soy meal. The cost of corn gluten is higher; however, the level of crude protein in corn gluten is much higher than in soy meal, therefore, partial replacement of soy meal with corn gluten to an equivalent level of non-cleavable protein helps to reduce the cost of the diet


highly productive cows, feed conversion, feeding rate, Highly productive cows, dairy calves, fatness index, feed intake, beet molasses, corn gluten