Indicators of the development of dairy cattle breeding in the world, Russia and the Vologda Region allow us to determine trends in the number and productivity of dairy cattle populations. The relevance of the research lies in determining the direction of the breeding process in Russia and the Vologda Region, taking the breed into account. The main aim of the research was to identify promising areas for the development of dairy cattle breeds in terms of livestock numbers and productive indicators. Scientific novelty lies in determining the current state of dairy breeds in Russia and the Vologda Oblast, since populations of dairy breeds are dynamic structures in terms of quantitative and qualitative characteristics, which change under the influence of breeding work and depending on environmental conditions. The Russian Federation ranks fifth in the world in terms of raw milk production and livestock numbers. In the Russian Federation, the main livestock of cattle and cows is concentrated in large agricultural organizations: 7959.3 thousand head (45.5%) and 3227.4 thousand head (41.7%), respectively. From 2021 to 2022, in these organizations, there was an increase in the milk yield of cows by 433 kg, which amounted to 7440 kg of milk; this exceeds the indicators registered on the farms of the population by 3,868 kg of milk, peasant (farm) farms by 3,451 kg of milk. In the Russian Federation, the number of breeding plants decreased by 125 farms, which amounted to 293 farms, breeding reproducers by 50 farms, while an increase in the number of animals in all categories of farms was established by 113.54 thousand head (1877.84 thousand head). Since 2015, there has been a significant increase in the milk yield of cows at breeding plants by 2,188 kg of milk, which amounted to 9,503 kg, and at breeding reproducers by 2,071 kg of milk (8,462 kg of milk). In connection with the implementation of the Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission “On approval of the procedure for determining the breed (pedigree) of breeding animals”, significant changes in the breed of animals in Russia have occurred. The number of animals of the Holstein breed has increased by 42.06% since 2015 and amounted to 54.32% in 2022, which led to a decrease in the relative number of the Russian Black Pied breed by 31.42% and amounted to 25.25% (2022). Consequently, the mass use of absorption crossing by the Holstein breed led to a decrease in the relative number of the Russian Black Pied breed
productivity, population, characteristics, yield, breed, Breed, number, quantitative, qualitative, fat content, protein content