VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)

Journal section "Breeding, selection and genetics of farm animals"

Current State of Dairy Cattle Breeding in the World, Russia and the Vologda Region

Abramova N.I., Khromova O.L., Selimyan M.O., Zenkova N.

Volume 7, Issue 2, 2024

Abramova N.I., Khromova O.L., Selimyan M.O., Zenkova N.V. (2024). Current State of Dairy Cattle Breeding in the World, Russia and the Vologda Region. Agricultural and Livestock Technology, 7 (2). DOI: 10.15838/alt.2024.7.2.4 URL: http://azt-journal.ru/article/29941?_lang=en

DOI: 10.15838/alt.2024.7.2.4

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
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