VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)

Journal section "Scientific life"

Studying the theory and practice of feeding cattle in the european north of Rssia. Scientific school of A.S. Emelyanov

Gysarov I., Fomenko P., Bogatyrova E.

Volume 1, Issue 2, 2018

Gusarov I.V., Fomenko P.A., Bogatyreva E.V. Studying the theory and practice of feeding cattle in the European North of Russia. Scientifi c school of A.S. Emelyanov. Agricultural and Livestock Technology, 2018, no. 2 (2). DOI: 10.15838/alt.2018.2.2.6 URL: http://azt-journal.ru/article/2724?_lang=en DOI: 10.15838/alt.2018.2.2.6

DOI: 10.15838/alt.2018.2.2.6

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The article describes the long-term research work on the study of fodder and feeding of farm animals, control of biochemical and physiological processes of digestion; the work is conducted by researchers of the Northwestern Dairy Farming and Grassland Management Research Institute. Agricultural enterprises of the Vologda Oblast using different methods of cow management and milking address the research objectives in different time periods. The natural conditions of the Northern region of the Russian Federation bison nutrition was studied in connection with acclimatization in the Vologda Oblast. The research scheme is based on assessment of fodder chemical composition, nutrient value and quality, structure of fodder diets differentiated by level of milk production and biochemical blood parameters. Thus, the purpose of the present paper is to study and summarize the research materials of the team at the Department of Fodder and Farm Animal Feeding (previously – Department of Animal Husbandry). For the fi rst time the authors comprehensively reviewed the research subjects in this area of previous years in the Vologda Oblast. Using the method of description we present the research results; we have found out that farms use different types of cow feeding, mainly the concentrated silage type in which the weight content of concentrate is up to 69%. Diets represent a rich variety of fodder and balancing additives characterized by a large variety of chemical composition and nutritional value. In the course of describing the research work carried out by the team of the Department, it has been revealed that the systems of full feeding of dairy cows in the European North of Russia were developed taking into account the infl uence of various factors on animal’s productivity. Research into the development of standardized feeding of high-yielding cows are currently being developed taking into account the biochemical status of an animal at various and way of animal management


barley, peas, fodder, corn, mill cake, premix, nutrient value, milk, feeding, blood biochemistry, diet type, metabolism, russian black pied cows, bison, acclimatization