VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)


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Influence of Biologies and Cultivation Technologies on the Productivity of Corn Green Mass in the Conditions of the Yaroslavl Oblast [4, 2019]

Sabirova T.P. Tsvik G.S. Batyugov G.E.

Influence of Genotype on Production Traits of Dairy Cows [3, 2022]

Khromova O.L. Abramova N.I.

Influence of Maternal Ancestral Productivity on Offspring’s Milk Yield [1, 2023]

Abramova N.I.

Influence of mineral fertilizers and biopreparations on productivity indicators of pasture agrophytocenoses [3, 2024]

Pryadil’shchikova E.N. Vakhrusheva V.V. Chernysheva O.О.

Influence of Paratypical and Genetic Factors on Milk Productivity and Duration of Cows’ Productive Life in Smolensk Oblast Conditions [2, 2021]

Tatueva O. Kol'tsov D.N.

Influence of Probiotic Strain Bifidobacterium Longum on the Intestinal Microbiome of Carp [1, 2023]

Arinzhanov A.

Influence of Promising Species and Varieties of Legumes on Botanical Composition, Productivity and Nutritional Value of Annual Mixtures in the Conditions of the European North of Russia [4, 2022]

Bezgodova I.L. Konovalova N.Y.

Influence of the Harvesting Terms of Honeysuckle Green Cuttings on the Economic Efficiency of the Technology of Green Cuttings with Partial Cover of Cultivation Structures [4, 2020]

Nelyubova T. Ryzhova M.

Key elements of an effective system of milk production [2, 2018]

Alekseev A. Lykevisch D. Lykevisch V.

Localization and Quality Indicators of Fat Tissue in Bulls Depending on the Growth Technology [2, 2023]

Otarov A. Ulimbashev M.B.

Mazilov E.A. To the Readers [3, 2023]

Mazilov E.A.

Metabolic Status of High-Yielding Cows with Probiotic in the Diet [2, 2023]

Smirnova Y. Platonov A.V.

Milk Productivity and Quality Indicators when Using Different Ratios of Essential Amino Acids in Cow Diets [1, 2024]

Buryakov N.P. Aleshin D.

Morphological Assessment of the Sperm of Honey Bee Drones Apis Mellifera L. as an Indicator of Its Quality [3, 2022]

Gulov A. Laskin A. Lapynina E. Brandorf A.

NDFGLMRI was included in the international register of innovative and technological programs [4, 2020]

New Approaches to Assessing the Efficiency of Milk Production Enterprises [2, 2020]

Alekseev A. Dubova E.

Nomenclatural Standard of Spring Rapeseed ՙOredezh 6՚ [4, 2024]

Varganova I.V. Lebedeva N.V. Dubovskaya A.G.

Nomenclature Standard of Triticale Variety ‘Bilinda’ [4, 2024]

Lim N.Y. Bekish L.P. Chikida N.N.

Nomenclature Standards of Actinidia Varieties Selected by the WIR Pavlovsk Experimental Station [4, 2024]

Bagmet L.V. Tikhonova N.G.

Nutritional Value of Feedstock as a Basis for Good Quality Forage [1, 2022]

Fomenko P. Bogatyrova E.

Nutritive Value of Perennial Legume-Grain Grass Mixtures Depending on Plant Development Phase and Number of Harvests [4, 2023]

Konovalova N.Y. Konovalova S.S.

On the Institute's Centenary [1, 2020]

Opening Address to the Readers and Contributors of the First Issue of the Journal “Agricultural and Livestock Technology” [1, 2018]

Glazkov M.N.

Optimization of Cow Milking Technology by Improving Robotic Pre-Milking Udder Preparation Unit [1, 2023]

Kerimov M.A. Barabanov D. Nam I.Y.

Organizing Feeding and Specification of Some Detailed Feeding Norms (Dry Matter, Crude Protein, Potassium) of Cows in High-Tech Dairy Complex [1, 2023]

Aristov A. Esaulova L. Kudinova N. Zhilkina N.

Perennial Grass of Pastoral Use for Adaptive Fodder Production of the Vologda Oblast [4, 2022]

Pryadil’shchikova E.N. Vakhrusheva V.V. Chernysheva O.О.

Physiological and biochemical status of highly productive dairy cows of different genetic value level in the first phase of lactation [3, 2018]

Karlikova G.G. Rykov R.

Population Parameters of Productive Characteristics of the Black-and-White Cattle Breed in the Vologda Oblast [1, 2018]

Abramova N.I. Vlasova G.S. Khromova O.L. Bogoradova L.N.

Population-genetic characteristics in managing breeding process of a herd at APC Prisukhonskoye In the Vologda oblast [2, 2018]

Konovalov A.V. Ilyina A. Abramova M. Kosyachenko N. Grigorieva T.

Population-genetic parameters of the romanov sheep breed in the aspect of control and management of selection processes [4, 2018]

Kostylev M.N. Kosyachenko N. Abramova M. Barysheva M.S.